Pregnancy: A Beautiful Time

by | 28 Feb, 2020 | Blog | 0 comments

Pregnancy is an exciting and beautiful time in a woman’s life. Sometimes it can also be an incredibly emotional phase and the rosy glow of pregnancy can be clouded by the side effects.

Side effects are often minor inconveniences and it is wise to remember that your body has just become a miracle of nature!

These 40 weeks you will spend with a baby growing inside of you is truly a miraculous time.

Whilst it can come with moments of uncertainty, it is not necessary to have sleepless nights. It is very rewarding to focus on the positives and to enjoy the experience while it lasts. Your days will be filled with imaginings of the possibilities. Strangers will smile at your belly when it starts to show, as if, somehow, you being pregnant made their day!

Pregnancy is special to a woman, whether it be her first or her fourth. A mother always wishes for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

Pregnancy: Changes

Generally, there’s no real way to tell whether a woman is pregnant, especially for the first three months, without a doctor’s report.

However, certain hormonal changes will result in symptoms typical of early pregnancy. Within a mere week of falling pregnant, your body undergoes hormonal changes.

Earlier stage symptoms often include constipation, nausea, vomiting, backaches, and cramps.

There are other changes too:
A missed period is one of the most common pregnancy symptoms.
Your breasts may also become tender and nipples get darker

Pregnancy: Rest

When you are pregnant, you require more rest. Your body may tire even when you are not active. You may experience disturbed sleep with vivid dreams and discomfort. Even with a good night’s rest, however, it is not uncommon to feel uncontrollably sleepy during the day.

This might start after one to six weeks and, unfortunately, in some cases, might not be a temporary phase.

Pregnancy: Food

Loading up your plate with a healthy balanced meal is the benefit of being pregnant. You will find yourself more hungry because your nutritional requirements have increased and your body needs to sustain itself and the growing fetus.

Bare in mind, that for your physical and mental well being, as well as the development of your baby, that you should eat nutritious food. Pregnant women have very specific nutrient requirements.

Many pregnant women become more health-conscious during this time. You can consult with your doctor during your check-ups about what to eat and what to avoid during your pregnancy.

You will find that your hair may be thicker and silkier, and your nails grow stronger.

Pregnancy: Mood Swings

During the earlier days of your pregnancy, you might get very irritated and moody. Mood swings at these times may be worse than those from PMS. These could be chalked to hormonal surges, but a woman’s instinct for protectiveness and assertion may also come to the fore.

Generally, however, you will find yourself receiving a lot of attention and support.

The swollen ankles, heartburn, backache, mood swings and all the rest, will not last forever.
If you prepare for the changes and take them gracefully in your stride, they are all worth it in the end.



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